Tuesday, June 21, 2016


A lot of creating has been happening in Team 4 as we prepare for the art exhibition. We are finishing up our plans of our comic art action scenes and moving onto our final pieces of art! Our medium is water colour pencils and fine-tipped sharpie pens. As the art exhibition is a couple of weeks off, we thought we would give you a taster of what is to come! Watch this space for our completed masterpieces!


  1. Hi Room 7,
    I like that you started with "A lot of creating has been happening. What was one of the things your class liked about that?

  2. Hi Room 7. My name is Maddy I am from Kaniere School I loved looking at the photos of your comic art action scenes. how long did it take to make your art?

  3. Hi my name is Mariah and I am from Kaniere School near lake Kaniere. I like art and we are doing calendar art at the moment. How long did it take you to do your art?


Thank you for your comment. Room 7 loves getting comments so please come back again soon!