Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I Presented to Len Brown - By Jouan

Last Friday the mayor of Auckland, Mr Len Brown came to our school. I am one of the ambassadors (ambassadors means people who welcome visitors.) First of all we each took turns to introduced ourselves to the mayor.

It was finally my turn. Proudly speaking in front of the mayor and other people I said my lines and then said “I would like to take your photo and add it to our visitors book, so don't forget to smile.” I took the photos and left the room so I could print them.

Slowly waiting for the photo to come out of the printer, I thought I was late and the mayor was leaving but it turned out that I was just in time. I asked all the visitors to sign their photos then left to get on with the rest of the day.

It was very exciting to meet someone important!

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job of representing the school on that day Jouan. I am so pleased to have you on the Ambassadors team.

    Looking forward to a fantastic year

    Mrs Burt


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